Paper Details
Title Work - Family Conflicts in Apparel Industry of Sri Lanka
AuthorsW. R. P. K. FERNANDO

Work - family conflict can be explained as “a form of inter role conflict in which the role burdens from the work and family domains are mutually inappropriate in some traditions”. Family is a small and significant unit of the society. As a person, everyone plays a vital role in their families. The study pertains to empirical investigation of the work – family conflicts in the apparel industry of Sri Lanka. The objectives of the study: to examine relationships between variables and to recognize significance variables of the work – family conflicts in the apparel industry. A sample size consists of 267 respondents. The analytical tools of the study are coefficient of correlation and ANOVA. The study identified those five variables. The work - family social respect is one of the issues in this industry. Work - family conflicts were adversely affected to workers’ performance and dissatisfaction of workers in this industry and it creates absenteeism and labor turnover within the industry. The production process of the apparel industry has dropped from the Sri Lankan economy. The work - family conflicts are invisible issues in the apparel industry of Sri Lanka. Key Words: Work Demand, Stress, Family Commitment, Personal Role and Perception.

Pages 422-430
Volume 4
Issue 2
Part 1
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