Paper Details
Title To What Extent the Prevent Smoking Policy Commitment (An Empirical Study on the Jordanian Health Sector Employees)

The purpose of this study was to determine if there's a Jordanian Health Sector Employees Commitment with the Prevent Smoking Policy, in order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire was designed. It consists (20) clauses reflect all the variables, the study sample (300) employees in the Jordanian Health sectors. Grynbach constancy coefficients reached 85%, Percentages, Means, standard deviation, were used to test the study hypothesis. The study found that, all employees has apperception about prevent smoking policy, the highest job perception nurses, and doctors. Male, and married, has a perception more than female, there's a positively perception relations related to age, the highest experience has more perception, the qualification has a perception positively relations. Generally all employees have no commitments with prevent smoking policy, but Administrative, and paramedical indicated that there are commitments, Doctors, Nurses, and technicals and services indicated no commitments. Female, highest age, highest experience, post graduated, and married has a commitments about prevent smoking policy. On the light of the study results the researchers recommends; More attention to applied prevent smoking policy with equity and more powerful, Motivate the non smoker's employees, and Making an effective controlling role for the Higher Health Council in Jordan ,and others recommendations. Key Words: Jordanian Health sector, Prevent Smoking, health Policy, Commitment.

Pages 514-526
Volume 4
Issue 2
Part 2
File Name Download (1032)
