Paper Details
Title The Structural Model For Festival Marketing in Case of Danshig Naadam & Tsam Dance Festival

In 2015 Mongolia revived old traditional religious festival, and had started to celebrate Danshig Nadaam festival every beginning of August since then and it is main reason of the growth of tourist number. But until now Danshig Naadam festival does not have enough influence on Mongolian economic growth. And also Mongolian Government is planning to increase the number of tourists up to 2 million by 2025, in other words, it has to be increased by 2.8 times. But annual growth is only around 16.6%, and without solution to attract more tourist there is very low chance reaching the desired numbers at this pace. Thus it is essential to organize festivals with high quality by creating new cultural products which is interesting to tourists. This paper aimed to analyze factors influencing on traditional festival marketing and propose solution to improve Danshig religious festival marketing. Questionnaire was taken from 108 respondents who live in Taiwan. The analysis was done by LISREL 8.8. The results showed that topic and program of festival, content of festival positively impact on festival marketing, but city marketing, cultural quality presentation, service planning don’t have significant influence on festival marketing, activity experience has negative impact on festival marketing.
Keywords: Danshig, Tsam Dance, Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

Pages 229-239
Volume 8
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (617)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/8-2(2019)-10
