Paper Details
Title The Specific Factors for Strategic Leadership Style and Its Impact on Competition Strategy Selected

The study endeavors to explain the specific factors for strategic leadership style and its impact on competition strategy selected, which is chosen by this leadership for a targeted organization that belongs to it. Therefore, this study attempts to approach such important and difficult subject because of many factors that affects strategic leadership style and selection of competition strategy that will be approved in the organization. Based on that, many factors were included especially administrative, environmental and personal ones. Along with the common strategic leadership style in organizations that are part of study sample and its effect range on competition strategy selection. The special technique related to administrative studies was used to achieve objectives of this study. Questionnaire of (26) questions was designed and developed in order to gather and collect information, it was distributed to 72 organizations which performed domain study. The collected information was based on primary exploration study with the purpose of constructing and designing a study model. Six assumed hypotheses were based on literatures related to the subject. The study model was divided into six dimensions; each dimension is related to a relevant hypothesis. The sixth hypothesis was assumed to know the relation between the strategic leadership style and the selection of competition strategy. Many statistical methods were used to achieve the results and test study hypothesis like Descriptive Statistics, Cronch's Alpha, Pearson's Correlation and One Sample t-test to measure reliability. Results of this study indicate towards acceptance of all of the six hypotheses, which means that there is an impact for the specific factors on strategic leadership style and on competition strategy selection. This study also explained that there is a positive moral relation between strategic leadership style and competition strategy selection. In spite of the limitation of this study but it remains as an attempt that can be developed by adding other sides and other factors in the future studies. I would like to mention that many factors are involved in this study as an attempt to explore its impact on strategic leadership style and the effect of this leadership on competition strategy selection. Key Words: Strategic Leadership, Competitive Strategy, Administrative Factor, Environmental Factor, Personal Factors.

Pages 1474-1484
Volume 5
Issue 4
Part 2
File Name Download (2351)
