Paper Details
Title The Role of Partnership on Resource-Performance Relationships of Indonesia SMEs

This research is about the management of resource of Indonesia SMEs which done through two stages of research that is based on theory by doing hypothesis testing and doing further exploration about the findings with qualitative approach. In the first phase of this study examine and analyze the influence of business strategy on the relationship between resources and performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Indonesia. From results of hypothesis testing, there are three main findings (1). Resources have a positive effect on both performance indicators, indicating that performance can be improved by adopting advanced manufacturing technology, having skilled workers, availability and quality of natural resources and applying management practices simultaneously and integrated. (2) The findings related to the role of partnership moderation are that the influence of material resources on profitability and operational performance is better at the low level of partnership, but the effect of management practices is higher on the condition of high partnership level. (3). Related to the correlation between the performance measures of this study found that the relative performance of firms compared to the industry average was positively correlated with growth. In the second phase, the research was conducted with in depth interviews about the role of resource management objectives as well as factors that support and obstruct the management of resources to SMEs. The second phase of this study yields the main findings: (1). All companies judge that the general objectives of organizational resource management are for short-term orientation and to relate to the operational aspects of the company. Only a few of their perspectives relate to long-term strategic aspects of the organization such as growth, expansion and long-term survival. (2) Factors supporting the management of resources are mainly relationships and partnerships built with suppliers. (3). Human resource weakness becomes an obstacle in resource management in addition to resource price volatility, technological limitations, and capital. Key Words: Firms Resources, Performance, Growth, Resource Management, and Business Partnerships.

Pages 1117-1136
Volume 6
Issue 3
Part 2
File Name Download (899)
