Paper Details
Title The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence of Managers and Employee Performance-A Case Study of a Power Company

Emotional intelligence at work is an essential component of workers, either in supervisory or non-supervisory roles. Studies by Bradberry and Greaves (2009) shows the link between emotional quotient (EQ) and job performance such that EQ alone explained 58% of a leader’s job performance, 90% of top performers were high in EQ and Just 20% of low performers were high in EQ. EQ is linked to job performance for employees at all levels, in virtually every industry that is why it was significant to undertake this study. The researchers adopted the emotional processing theory as the main theory behind the research and used both explanatory and descriptive design which resulted in the use of qualitative and quantitative data collected through the use of physical and email administered questionnaires to a population of 44 managers and a sample of 530 employees. Due to research time limitation, the researchers sampled 228 employees from the population respective of the department size, but undertook to involve all 44 managers at the company. The research yielded 47% response rate from employees and 68% response rate from managers and performed analysis using SPSS and particularly multiple regression. The results reveal strong positive relations between emotional intelligence variables and employee performance and that the relationships were significant at 95 confidence level while observing a 5% margin of error. Key Words: Performance, Managers, Emotional, Intelligence, Relationship.

Pages 1268-1278
Volume 5
Issue 4
Part 1
File Name Download (1382)
