Paper Details
Title The Nexus between Dimension of Employer Branding and Employee Retention: Exploring the Role of Employer Brand Attractiveness & Organizational Identity towards New Job application and Employee Loyalty.

The research delves into exploring the intricate relationship between various dimensions of employer branding and their direct impact on employee retention within organizations, while also highlighting the pivotal roles played by organizational culture, change management strategies, and the attractiveness of the employer brand itself. Conducted within the context of Pakistani organizations, the study gathered data from a diverse pool of 350 respondents through a combination of electronic and manual survey methods, employing quantitative analysis techniques such as structural modeling equations and hypothesis testing for validation. The findings underscore a notable correlation between employer branding efforts and employee retention, although the validation of the developmental value dimension remains inconclusive. Furthermore, the study elucidates the crucial mediating effects exerted by factors like organizational culture, identity, change management, and the appeal of the employer brand in shaping employee intentions, fostering loyalty, and engendering long-term commitment within the organizational framework. Ultimately, the research provides valuable insights that can inform management strategies aimed at enhancing an organization's ability to not only attract but also retain and motivate top-tier talent effectively.
Keywords: Employer Branding, Employer Brand Attractiveness, Organizational Culture, Organizational Identity, Employee Loyalty, Employee Retention.

Pages 30-46
Volume 13
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (81)

10.30543/13-2(2024)-4 / 1713165752
