Paper Details
Title The Effect of Employees Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility on their Level of Motivation

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is primarily researched at the corporate level. Few researchers (e.g.,Peterson, 2004) examined in what way each worker (the firm's internal audience) develops attitudes and actions based on their perceptions of CSR. The most suitable approach to the current study was explanatory analysis since it depended upon first-hand information. The survey based on a questionnaire was conducted on 1000 employees of the sales department of different cellular companies in Pakistan. The data was collected through simple random sampling. The data were analyzed using SPSS, and crosstabulation was used to determine the Employee's perception of CSR (independent variable) on employees' level of motivation (dependent variable). The main purpose of this study is to examine the employee's perception of CSR and their level of motivation. The following are some salient findings of the study: The majority of those surveyed declared that they had favorable CSR impressions of their organization. It was observed that better performance and productivity of the labor force depend on the behavior of the organization. The present research discovered a substantial link between CSR perception and employee motivation level. Hence in light of the present research findings, it is possible to conclude that employee perception of corporate social responsibility positively impacted employee level of motivation organizations should be worried about the way employees perceive these three corporate citizenship characteristics to develop a productive workforce. If companies focus on legal/ethical and charitable duties while ignoring employee responsibilities, they risk developing just the motivation of their workers, staying weak, and performance being degraded. This research fills a gap in the previous studies by demonstrating how workers' opinions about corporate social responsibility influence their motivation's extent at the corporate level. The first-hand information was collected from a survey of 1000 employees of different cellular/mobile phone companies in the Punjab region of Pakistan.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee, Motivation, Satisfaction, Telecommunication.

Pages 125-135
Volume 12
Issue 3
Part 1
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