Paper Details
Title Strategic Organisation Development and Project Performance of Not for Profit Organisations? In Isiolo Sub-County-Kenya

The study was conducted to establish the influence of strategic organization development strategies on the performance of not for profit organizations projects in Isiolo district. The study was developed from a problems facing sustainability of not for profit organization projects due to inadequate application of strategic methods of running their operations. As a result many projects after completion an handover fail to continue delivering the benefits they were intended to. The findings of the study were found to be of great use to not for profit organization programme managers who will have more information on the techniques they can apply to enhance project sustainability. The study revealed areas of further research for future researchers. The study was guided by the specific objectives to establish how resource mobilization, stakeholder participation and strategic partnerships influence the performance of not for profit organizations projects. Hypotheses were also tested and data analyzed using logistic regression. The survey research design was used, purposive, convenient sampling and the primary data collection technique was structured questionnaires. The number of respondents was fifty two not for profit organization programme managers. The findings of the research established that stakeholder participation and resource mobilization do not significantly affect performance of not for profit organization projects whereas there is a significant relationship between strategic partnerships and performance of not for profit organization projects. The researchers therefore recommend that more levels of stakeholder involvement be undertaken and financial resources be prioritized for projects under implementation. Key Words: Strategic Organisation, Performance and Non-Profit Organisations.

Pages 1316-1324
Volume 3
Issue 2
Part 5
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