Paper Details
Title Role of Organizational Communication on the Affective Commitment

Socio-economical changes nowadays have significant influence on the internal organizational processes. One considerable psychological predictor for employee efficiency is their commitment to the organization that they belong to. In that context, link between organizational communication as internal organizational processes and psychological factors that have potential influence on the global organizational and individual outputs, arouse interest for this research. Deeper research approach of the psychological factors identifies their causal relationship with organizational processes that enable assumption of activities for humanization of the working process. Subject of this research was level of affective component of organizational commitment influenced by flows of organizational communication (frequency of vertical, horizontal, diagonal and informal communication flow) and identification of difference between two groups of employees: managers and non-managers (executors). Research results toward influence of the communication flow on the level of the affective commitment confirmed the flows of organizational communication have no impact on the level of affective organizational commitment, with the exception of the lateral (diagonal) organizational communication. Communication among employees has significant impact on the degree of affective component of commitment. Research enable design of applicable internal measures and procedures for HRM to increase and maintain significant level of affective commitment such as: internal HRM strategic politics, procedures; practices for building confidence between managers and executives; Improving process of organizational communication. Key Words: Affective component, organizational commitment; organizational communication; employees.

Pages 517-527
Volume 3
Issue 1
Part 4
File Name Download (1976)
