Paper Details
Title Quality Analytics Led Human Resource Management and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction

The study was conducted to determine the mediating role of Quality Management Analytics (QMA) between selected Human Resource Management (HRM) and Customer satisfaction in service sector of Punjab, Pakistan. The purpose of quantitative study was to assess the association between HRM, QMA and Customer satisfaction in service sector organizations. Data was collected from 400 employees working in six selected cities of the Punjab province. This study provided the guidance to service sector organizations of Punjab to implement the quality management analytics led human resource management practices and know its impact on customer requirements service satisfaction. The study revealed that human resource management practices when coupled with quality management analytics support in enhancing satisfaction of customers. It was found that employees generally want to improve the quality of their services but limited analytics resources are available to instantly analyze and guide on issues wherever required. So, it was recommended to integrate quality management analytics practices with HRM cells to improve the quality of services on continual basis. The research study was limited to service sector organizations operating in selected cities of one province. Future studies should examine the status at other sectors in different regions of Pakistan. The sample size should be increased as well so we can generalize the findings across the Pakistan.
Keywords: HRM, Quality Management, Analytics, Customer Satisfaction.

Pages 147-156
Volume 9
Issue 3
Part 1
File Name Download (401)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/9-3(2020)-11
