Paper Details
Title Legal Research of the Indigenous People Status Related To Access and Benefit Sharing the Utilization of Genetic Resources Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expression Traditional In Indonesia According To the Regulation in Indonesia

The role of the community in the management of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, folklorecultural expression (GRTKF) as part of the source of creative industry in Indonesia has lack acknowledge and protected enough. The role of the community that uses and do the development of genetic resources armed with traditional knowledge actually give rise to a consequence law the Intellectual Property (IP). Indonesian has not yet been fully aware of it vital role of traditional community as a legal law entity subject and their traditional knowledge, because until now there are also still a lot of debate that which IP classification area that really should protect traditional knowledge. The role of the community continues to be given priority because the people residing in conservation area are people who have for years inhabiting the region. For Indonesian national interests we absolutely need to give IP Law protection of genetic resources and it is the responsibility of the joint between the government and the community to make further formulation deeper in such cases. With IP protection for the development of genetic resources, it is also can give benefits and opportunities since the enhance of database able, integrated and update. It is to clarify IP Law protection against genetic resources earmarked avoid theft ideas and traditional knowledge owned by the traditional community. Legal relations between government, indigenous people (traditional community) and investors should be firmly stated with the implementation of from a related to the GRTKF.
Keywords: GRTKF, Indigenous People, and IP Law.

Pages 248-253
Volume 8
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (631)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/8-2(2019)-12
