Paper Details
Title Influence of Factors in Green Advertising upon Purchase Intentions- A Study of Pakistani University Students

This research paper determines the factors responsible for influencing purchase intentions of consumers towards green products through environmental or green advertising. The major purpose behind study was to instigate a new vision into marketers of various products, services or brands in Pakistan, which would help them fundamentally in devising attractive and more effective green advertising strategies. Based onto findings from the previous similar studies, a research model was conceived and developed. The model was tested on a sample of 150 university students in Sahiwal city of Pakistan, selected through convenience sampling technique. The data after collection was tested statistically in SPSS 18.0 version software. The statistical tools of mean, correlation and regression analysis were employed to test the developed hypotheses. The findings were found statistically significant and positive for all three independent variables having strong impact upon purchase intentions of consumers towards green products. The results indicate that Pakistani university students have a positive attitude towards green advertising and preferred to purchase green products as a consequence. The pragmatic attitude of Pakistani consumers has led towards the deduction that, marketers/ advertisers of green products should convey abundant information regarding both extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of a green product. This would eliminate all fears or skepticism regarding acceptability of green products. The prominent limitations of the study are small sample size, focusing only on the university students in Sahiwal, and the results of the study may not be generalized upon all populations. The study shall help marketers in closely comprehending the attitudes of Pakistani customers towards green products in Pakistan, in order to devise effective green marketing strategies. Key Words: Attitudes towards green products, Green Aadvertising, Purchase Intensions.

Pages 2131-2138
Volume 3
Issue 4
Part 3
File Name Download (1335)
