Paper Details
Title In Empowerment the Executive and Employee Perceptions of: Evsa Build Inc. In the Hosta is an Application

For operating in a globalizing world provides services sectors differentiated from each other, although a large number of managers who are decision-makers, where an enterprise of any one of the basic powers and duties of the employee show you the way. Boost; education, training, sharing, trust and support via personnel the authority to decide that for them, the responsibilities of control and a management approach. At the same time empowered staff, and resolve personnel grievances, as well as to develop themselves and also installs the application within which managers fulfil the roles that require strategy.The purpose of this study, within the scope of their methods of empowerment the private sector managers, employee expectations. The purpose of the research literature on the subject to perform detailed studies have been made. empowerment the literature utilized using dimensions within the scope of the survey, various site Building in Ankara Evsa Inc., face to face with the administrators who served in units providing retraining for workers already have been implemented. Key words: Employee Empowerment, Employee Perceptions, Manager Perceptions, Empowerment, Application.

Pages 549-564
Volume 2
Issue 2
Part 3
File Name Download (1095)
