Paper Details
Title Impact of Organizational Morality on Employee Creativity:Mediating Role of Organizational Pride

Morality shapes the way the employees experience their work and organize their existence or status in society, making people go beyond the usual limits and practice creativity even in the absence of if-then rewards. This research study is a small contribution to the vast literature on the organizational factors and their effects on employee work outcomes. It is a relatively new perspective in terms of Pakistan’s advertising industry but not anonymous. The study has explored how organizational morality enhances employee creativity when mediated by emotions of organizational pride in context of employees of advertising agencies. The explanatory study has used simple random sampling to collect data from employees of 17 confirmed advertising agencies in Lahore. Multiple regression analysis was used by applying Baron & Kenny (1986) steps to test mediation. All of the results were significant; organizational pride partially mediated the relationship between organizational morality and creativity of employees. Key Words: Organizational Morality, Organizational Pride, Employee Creativity.

Pages 961-971
Volume 5
Issue 3
Part 2
File Name Download (962)
