Paper Details
Title Impact of Job Satisfaction & Remuneration on Turnover Intention : A Survey of (Private) Schools of (Okara) Pakistan

The main objective of this study was exploring the association of turnover intention with the variables that are Job Satisfaction and Remuneration among faculty members at business school of Pakistan. The study started with the existing theories in human resource managements, based on which, hypotheses were proposed. In order to achieving aims or purposes of research the hypotheses discussed in literature review were tested through the test of association i.e. Chi Square, and the Co-relation Coefficient, which described the mutual association and relationships of their aspects. For calculation of Co-relation Spearman Rank Order formula was used. Multistage sampling technique was adopted in order to select an appropriate and representative sample. The teachers of private sector business institutions working during 2015 in the District Okara were the population of the study. The study was delimited to the private sector institutions offering Bachelor degree in Commerce and I.Com. The reason for selecting the private institutions was that the faculty turnover in public sector, commercial and commerce colleges was minimum. A sample size of 110 self-reported respondents was purposively drawn. Total number of 200 questionnaires was directly delivered to the facility members of selected institutions. Out of which 160 were received back, from which only 150 questionnaires were useable, representing response rate 80%. The data were collected by using 5 point Likert scales questionnaire, in which closed ended questions were asked from the target population. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS software. The result of study overall result suggesting that Turnover intension is significantly negative correlated with factors such as job satisfaction and remuneration. Result also suggesting majority of the faculty members are intending to quit present job and looking for a new one although they are satisfied with their present job. The faculty members are being paid satisfactorily. Moreover, they consider recognition and effective supervisory support important for enhancing their performance. As far as the work life policies are concerned, the faculty members find themselves at ease in managing their official work in addition to their domestic responsibilities. The study is a good reference point of turnover intention of business school’s faculty members. This study would assist the human resource managers, principals and owners of business schools to take preemptive actions to improve quality of work life, career development opportunities, and the work conditions of business school teachers or professors in order to encourage them to stay and dismay them from departure. It is becoming more crucial for HR managers to recruit and retain talented faculty members. The study furnishes them with beneficial background knowledge for their anticipation of future trend and giving truer consultant information to the human resource managers, principals and owners of business schools. Moreover, this study will also furnishes or provide help to forthcoming researchers to get the idea of research to be carried on. Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Remuneration and Turnover Intention Faculty Members.

Pages 653-675
Volume 5
Issue 2
Part 3
File Name Download (2812)
