Paper Details
Title Identifying the Interacting Methods of Non-Native Managers with Employees; and Offering Appropriate Methods to Improve Current Situation. (A Case Study of Irans Imam Port Petrochemical Company)

The main aim of this study was to identify and prioritize the interacting methods of expatriate managers with employees and offering appropriate strategies, to make the current situation better. This paper is conducted in a descriptive-correlation method, according to the goal of research. The population consists of all Iran’s Imam Port petrochemical company workers, amounting to 5111 persons. On the basis of Cochrane formula, the sample size was calculated as 360 persons, who were selected from the mentioned population, by simple random sampling method. Data collection tool was scholar questionnaire,( designed by ourselves). The questionnaire included 6 desired factors of current paper. Results showed that managers’ intelligence has a significant impact on how expatriate managers interact with workers of the Petrochemical Company. The results also indicated that how expatriate managers interact with workers, has a moderate positive correlation with workers satisfaction and a high correlation with workers commitment and workers empowerment. Key Words: Intelligence, Management Style, Personality, Communication, Workers Satisfaction, Workers Commitment, Workers Empowerment.

Pages 687-699
Volume 4
Issue 3
Part 1
File Name Download (1083)
