Paper Details
Title Financial Analysis Problems in Specialized Islamic Bank

This study is one of very few studies which have investigated financial analysis problems in specialized Islamic Bank to evaluate its financial analysis report. It gives less fair result not correct result to customers, shareholders, suppliers and center bank. Search found that financial report with fair result depend on many factors. It showed financial analysis report problems to meet global rules as Basel rules. Specialized Islamic Banks financial analysis have difference factors than traditional Banks financial analysis as result to Islamic rules also it has some factors affect in the same way as in any bank as result to center bank rules. Islamic bank profitability index shows these differences and similarities which need adjusted in financial ratios and financial analysis problems classification. It can be clarified by discuss financial tables accounting data problems to understand financial analysis tools problems. Key Words: Financial Analysis, Islamic bank, Accounting, Problem and Risk.

Pages 414-421
Volume 4
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (1439)
