Paper Details
Title Factors Affecting Mass Customization and the Positively Impact on Customer Re-purchase Intention in Logistics Service Companies

Aims to investigate factors affecting mass customization and the impact on customer re-purchase intention in logistics service companies. This study refers to the mass customization project that provides theoretical and empirical results as the company proceeds and brings it into practice. Besides, it also is one of the few studies that explore the impact of mass customization in the service industry on customer satisfaction and intent to reuse the service. In addition, with a sample of 411 customers from two logistics companies in Vietnam and Myanmar, we checked out the hypothesis model using SEM model with LISREL statistical program. From this, it can be concluded that the relationship between mass customization project and customer satisfaction, then tested again whether has an affection of satisfaction on word of mouth dimension and the other two factors are re-purchase intention and trustworthy respectively. Finally, the final results note that half of the hypotheses are rejected but that is still a practical result that can be used to raise awareness and draw experience for companies which have used and still preceding the mass customization project. Keywords: Mass Customization, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Re-purchase Intention, LISREL, Logistics Service.

Pages 434-448
Volume 7
Issue 2
Part 2
File Name Download (1853)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/7-2(2018)-12
