Paper Details
Title Emergence of the Time- Driven Activity- Based Costing

The main aims of this article are to provide a brief analysis for the following inquiries: 1) what are the potent influencing contexts that have led to the emergence of the Time-driven Activity -Based Costing (TDABC)? , and 2) what can be learned from the development of the TDABC for future research? The research method is based on the “Archival Approach”- library search and exploring of the content of the published literature in the sphere of the Conventional Activity Based Costing (CABC) since 1980’s to date. “Qualitative Content Analysis”, “Exaggeration Theory” and “Innovation Theory” are also used. The findings of the study revealed unambiguously that five imputes were influential in the emergence of the TDABC: 1) abundance of the incompatible theoretical and empirical evidence pertinent to CABC, 2) implementation obstacles involved in expending CABC, 3) low rate adoption of the CABC, 4) exaggeration of the usefulness of the CABC and 5) assimilation of the TDABC as a contemporary and innovative technique by proponents. These factors holistically indicate that a successful implementation of any system is dependent on designing thriving and solid theoretical, as well as practical premises for the system. Furthermore, the marketing aspects of the system are an influential factor in diffusing the system. Innovative features of the system are also extremely significant in this regard. Thus, proponents of the TDABC should not exaggerate the usefulness of the TDABC. Otherwise, TDABC will pursue the same path as CABC, and it may be abolished soon. Key Words: Time- Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC), Conventional Activity Based Costing (CABC), Exaggeration Theory, Innovation Theory, Cost Management System.

Pages 1008-1020
Volume 5
Issue 3
Part 2
File Name Download (1194)
