Paper Details
Title Effect of Labor Turnover on Productivity In Health Institutions In Khulais Governorate - Makkah

This study was conducted in the province of Khulais Emirate of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. A case study applied to the health institutions in the province in order to study the impact of the rotation of employment on productivity in health institutions where the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, which is the scientific method that meets the purposes of the study. This method depends on the study of reality as it is on the ground and expressed in quantity and quality. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the data were analyzed in the SPSS program. The rate of labor turnover greatly affects productivity in health institutions in Khulais governorate. Where the study sought to answer the questions related to the problem of the study: Is the increase or decrease in the rate of turnover of labor affects the productivity in the health institutions in the province of Khulais? Are there positive or negative effects of labor turnover on productivity? How many and what kind of human resources are required to work in the facility? The study aims to test the following hypotheses: Employment turnover significantly affects productivity in health institutions in Khulais governorate. There are differences, which are statistically significant at the level of the function (0.05 = α) regarding the turnover of employment in health institutions in Khulais governorate attributed to the study variables. Differences were statistically significant at the level of function (0.05 = α) around the level of productivity in health institutions in Khulais governorate attributed to the study variables. There is a statistically significant relationship between turnover and productivity.
Keywords: Employment Turnover, Productivity, Human Resources, Health Institutions.

Pages 183-191
Volume 8
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (670)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/8-2(2019)-5
