Paper Details
Title Antecedents of Employees Strength: Its Causes and Consequences in Universities Teachers

Employee performance is a conscious and sensitive observation in every organization. Every where employee performance play a very vital role in the productivity of and organization. Employee performance is dependent upon their strength. While employee strength is dependent upon various factors. This research is focused on that what are the factors that contribute for employee strength and how these factors influence it. Research identifies eight independent factors that influence employee strength. These independent factors are Trust, Innovative Environment, Management Support, Leadership style, Development initiative, Training and development, Performance management and work environment while employee strength depends upon them. For data collection a structured questionnaire was used in three public and three private universities teachers randomly. Study uses a sample of 150 respondents for analysis. Analysis use correlation and regression analysis. Findings of the study show that performance management and leadership styles have greater contribution towards employee strength as compare to other independent factors in teachers. Key Words: Employee strength, performance Management, Leadership styles, Universities and Peshawar.

Pages 798-804
Volume 2
Issue 3
Part 2
File Name Download (1173)
