Paper Details
Title Antecedents of Education Brand: Analysis of Student Preferences

The impending focus of the study is to provide information about the impact of brand in services preferences in general and higher education in particular. As in the case of services branding is considered competitive edge of an organization. The study focused towards the factors that constitute the brand and the consumer’s preferences. In this particular case the main objective was to see the impact of brand on the student preferences while selecting an institution for higher education. The study is quantitative in nature. A self administrated instrument was used to collect the data. The study was conducted in Pakistani context. The respondents were the students of Public, private and semi-government institutions. It is an example developing country where it is important to see the impact of brand in the consumer’s purchase intentions. The results provide strong support to theoretical model; regarding the impact of education brand on the student preferences. The study is equally important for the all type of institutions (Public, private and semigovernment) to attract the compatible number of students and also to attract the foreign students as well. The model is also helpful for building the brands in other services. The distinctive contribution of the study is to provide a base to identify the factor that constitute the brand in services sector and empirical validation of the services branding literature regarding the positive impact of brand on the consumer’s purchase intentions in Pakistani context (an emerging market). Key Words: Education Brand, Services Marketing, Student Preferences, Pakistan, Higher Education Institutions, Education.

Pages 561-571
Volume 4
Issue 2
Part 2
File Name Download (1117)
