Paper Details
Title Affection of Managing General Budget by Choosing tax types on Third World Countries Economic Equilibrium

This study concentrates depending on tax in third world countries to finance general budget. There are negative reactions than first world countries as result to loss self-sufficient. Wrong using of tax types leads to loss government support because company loss profit and assets value also citizen may transfer from middle income level to limit income level. Length of bad case will reduce local currency price. Wrong using of tax types direct economic supply and demand against equilibrium. Searcher recommended applying tax up to real needs beside find other ways to get returns as sharing with companies because sharing will show government real affect of factors on economic sectors. Sharing up to reach self-sufficient strategy is away to collect government, companies and citizens to work as group. Key Words: Self-sufficient, Tax, income statement, government and economic.

Pages 299-306
Volume 3
Issue 1
Part 3
File Name Download (1265)
