Paper Details
Title Adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to the Use of Mobile Banking Services

The current study aims to adapt the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to the use of mobile banking services in Jordan through examining the researches and subjects related to this topic. In this study the TAM model has been modified by introducing two new dimensions, which are the factors of quality and experience to the five dimensions that the TAM model, which introduced by Davis in 1986, originally composed of them. Thus this study sample consists of seven dimensions, which are the three following factors: quality (the quality of information and quality of service and the quality of the system), perceived ease of use the experience, the perceived usefulness, attitudes, behavioral intention and the use. In light of this, the current study extended these necessary dimensions and factors in order to be expanded in line with the banking business, especially in the mobile banking services in Jordan. The development of the seven hypotheses was based on the dimensions of the study as well as on the relevant literature. In addition, eight hypotheses were added to measure the correlation between the different constraints of the studied model. A questionnaire consisting of (24) questions covering the dimensions and hypothesis of the study was designed in order to collect the required data for examining hypotheses and reaching conclusions. The questionnaire used in this study was designed and developed based on an initial pretested survey distributed to a sample consisting of (238) customers of the Jordan Banks. It is found that all the variables of this study (all dimensions included in the study sample) are affected by the use of mobile banking services with value of mean(4.45). All seven hypotheses for the first group were accepted as well as for the eighth hypothesis, concerning the relationship of the link between the components of study model. The statistical analysis showed that the positive correlation between all of these components consisted of a stronger correlation (positive relationship) between each of the attitude and the use of mobile banking services with a value of coefficient correlation (0.377). As for the dimensions, the strongest correlation is found to be between (perceive ease of use) and (experience) with the value of correlation (0.534). Key Words: Technology, Acceptance, Model, Perceived, Use, Mobile Banking Services.

Pages 2039-2051
Volume 3
Issue 4
Part 3
File Name Download (1448)
