Paper Details
Title The Reality of Quality of Work Life and Its Effect on Organizational Commitment of Physicians and Nurses Working in the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This study tried to focus on a modern and important concept, that is quality of work life and its elements availability in a sector that is considered one of the most influential sectors in Saudi society, which is the health sector., The study attempted to link this concept with an issue that is considered one of the most important issues in health sector, which is job dropout and non-organizational commitment for physicians and nurses who are working in the Ministry. Therefore, the study aimed to find out the relationship between quality of work life available in hospitals and health centers and the extent of organizational commitment availability among physicians and nurses. Due to population large size, this study was limited to select a convenient sample from hospitals and health centers employees in Riyadh city. 500 questionnaires were distributed to hospitals employees, 418 questionnaires were recollected, so the response rate is (83.6%), All questionnaires were statistical analyzed, Therefore the study concluded, a set of results, the most important of which are: There is an appropriate level quality of work life dimensions in Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which caused physicians and nurses feeling of job satisfaction and increase organizational commitment of. The study concluded that wages, reward, safety, job stability and physical work conditions are the most influential aspects in increasing organizational commitment. It was also found that there are some negatives in incentives, rewards, and annual increases provided to physicians and nurses, as well as physicians and nurses poor participation who are working for the ministry for long periods of time, providing means of security and protection from job hazards. The study recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: Increasing interest in all aspects of quality of work life in this study, and granting more material and moral incentives to maintain physicians and nurses working for the Ministry for long periods And to reduce the great pressure on physicians and nurses and protect them from professional hazards and to place the right man in the right place in leadership positions in the ministry.
Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Organizational Commitment, Ministry of Health.

Pages 50-69
Volume 9
Issue 3
Part 1
File Name Download (916)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/9-3(2020)-4
