Paper Details
Title The Relationship Between Academic Staffs Perception of Organizational Justice and Demographic Factors: A Case Study in Foundation Universities in Turkey

Organizational justice can be described as the results of the impacts of organizational decisions and implementations over personnel’s perceptions. Organizational distribution channels, restructuring the organization, transfer of authority and responsibility, inclusion of staff into decision-making process can be given as examples to organizational implementations. Employees feeling of injustice during organizational implementations and decision-making might cause psychological problems such as stress, depression and anxiety. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between academic staff’s perception of organizational justice and demographic factors in foundation universities in Turkey. Convenience Sampling is chosen as the sampling method of the research. Organizational Justice Scale developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993) and Folger and Konovsky has been selected as the data gathering method. 180 academic staff from various foundation universities has been involved in the scope of this research. Research results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference among gender, age, education level and marital status and distributional, procedural and interactional justice perception of academic staff. Key Words: Perception of organizational justice, demographic factors, Foundation University, Academic Staff.

Pages 1406-1412
Volume 5
Issue 4
Part 2
File Name Download (1071)
