Paper Details
Title Restructuring of the Automotive Industry in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Region from 2007 to 2011

Automotive production-relocation in the NAFTA region after the 2008 crisis is analyzed at different levels, including automobile unit-production changes in the regions within a Country, at the assembly-plant level and in the product portfolio. We compare production for two different years: 2007, when the crisis began and 2011 when the consequences could be observed. Based on information relative to where plants are located, year of establishment, firm ownership and production, we defined five regions: four in the US and Mexico and one in Canada. These regions were classified as “traditional” or “emergent” spaces. Results show that the age of each assembly plant was not a factor for restructuring. Traditional spaces in Mexico were the most favored, while in the USA traditional spaces were adversely affected. In the period under study, Canada decreased production by 400 thousand automobile units but still remained as the country with the best Economies of Scale in both years, manufacturing cars with high added-value: Canada was the only country that launched more new models than it stopped manufacturing. Mexico increased the average production per assembly plant during the crisis years, although it did not improve in Economies of Scale. Key Words: Automotive Industry, NAFTA, Regional Development, Economies of Scale, Product Portfolios.

Pages 2120-2130
Volume 3
Issue 4
Part 3
File Name Download (1158)
