Paper Details
Title Students Perception of Service Quality Encountered and their Future Enrichment: Implication for Academic Quality Assurance in Nigeria Polytechnics

Quality is one of the core functions for service organizations, which is an ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating and fulfilling stated and implies needs. It is inevitable to measure the students perception on the service quality encountered from Nigerian Polytechnic for their future enrichment. Hence, the present study uses the SERVQUAL scale developed by Pariseau & McDaniel (1997) and Tan, et al (2010) to measure the service quality. One thousand eight hundred and fifty (1850) randomly selected students from two Polytechnics in Ogun State, Nigeria took part in the study. Data analysis involved mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation, t-test and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The study showed that the students perceptions on service quality encountered are not up to their level of expectations, and there were statistically significant differences in their perception based on gender (t = 2.286, P< 0.05), career choice (t = 5.337, P< 0.05), and on school type (t = 1.581, P>0.05). Also, the results revealed composite (R =.657, R2= .389) contributions of the service quality dimensions on students perception of their future enrichment. Tangible (β = .801, t = 7.111, P < .05) has been identified as the most potent predictor of good service quality as compared to other four (4) dimensions, reliability (β = .209, t = 1.614, P < .05), responsiveness (β = .733, t = 5.505, P < .05), assurance (β = .717, t = 5.203, P < .05) and empathy (β = .444, t = 3.181, P < .05). Recommendations and implication for academic quality assurance in Nigeria Polytechnics were given. Key Words: Quality Assurance, Service Quality Encountered, Polytechnic Students? Perception, Assurance, Responsiveness, Reliability, Tangibles and Empathy.

Pages 929-937
Volume 3
Issue 2
Part 3
File Name Download (1389)
