Paper Details
Title Family Firms Challenges toward Strategic Change: Internal and External Factors Effects on Poultry Business Firms Survival

Family-owned companies have a valuable place of investment and the Gross Domestic Product of nations. The agricultural sector affects the welfare and development of countries. We designed to research the strategic change management challenges of seventy-seven family firms of the Poultry Business Cluster (P.B.C.) in the sub-clusters of Breeder chicken growers, Feed producers, and Equipment suppliers (B.F.E.) in Iran. The study aimed to understand the family firms' survival strategies based on their strategic change policies. We applied a quantitative research method to measure respondents' attitudes using SPSS 22 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences 22) and ANOVA test. We also used the Likert scale to describe the traits and attitudes of respondents, the Delphi technique to get experts' opinions on the relevant topics, Cochran's random sampling method to get a finite sample population, and the Friedman ranking test to prioritize challenges from respondents' points of view. Finally, this article addresses the importance of variables of factors that affect the family firm's life cycle. This study showed that these firms apply change management strategies to survive. They use this strategy despite constraints of innovative traits, resources' orchestration, goal setting, entrepreneur knowledge, and investment to train the next generations.
Keywords: Conflict, Goal, Innovation, Resource, Entrepreneurship, Life Cycle.

Pages 1-30
Volume 11
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (494)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/11-2(2022)-1
