Paper Details
Title Impact of Supply Chain Collaboration on Operational Performance of Port: A Gwadar Perspective

The main concern of this study was to determine the impact of supply chain collaboration on Gwadar port operational performance. The objective of the study has been achieved through conducting a survey and primary data has been analyzed to assess the linkages between explanatory variable and dependent variable. The survey was conducted to collect the primary data from respondents to determine the impact of supply chain collaboration on port performance. The managers of the companies located in Gwardar port remain the unit of analysis and their responses have been collected. A total of 300 questioners had been distributed and a valid number of questionnaires 225 has been obtained which makes the response rate of 75%. Data properties and respondent characteristics have been outlined. The covariance based structural equation modeling has been employed to statistically signify the relationship between the supply chain collaboration on Gwadar port operational performance. Based on statistical analysis the findings of the study suggest that supply chain collaboration positively triggers the operational performance of Gwadar port.
Keywords: Port Performance, Supply Chain Collaboration, Gwadar Port, Supply Chain.

Pages 73-84
Volume 10
Issue 2
Part 1
File Name Download (387)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/10-2(2021)-6
