Paper Details
Title Influence of Personality Traits on the Stress Management among the Teaching Faculties in Public Sector Universities

This research paper is aimed to explore the influence of personality traits on stress management. As for the achievement of organizational goals, the management has to be assured that its’ employees are not stressed due to any reason for productive outcomes. Stress is unavoidable in any organization especially if it belongs to the teaching sector. However, students and teachers are normally found under stress because of the demanding environment that is generated in physical schools and classrooms. For this purpose, this study has examined to what extent personality traits including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience influence stress management. This leads to the fact which personality traits of employers especially those that belong to educational institutes can manage their stress and how their personality affects them to take decisions at the time of stress. This research article proposed a descriptive methodology in which cross-sectional data are randomly collected from the different public higher educational universities of Sindh, Pakistan. For the data collection, the survey questionnaire is applied. After the process of data cleaning, 252 responses of teaching faculty as respondents were found accurate for further analysis. By applying the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26.0 the data was data analyzed. The results of Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis showed that agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience have a positive and significant influence on stress management. On the other hand, extroversion and neuroticism have not found a significant influence on stress management. This research study may provide useful insights for policymakers and top management in public higher educational institutions like universities to identify the stress management strategies that are implemented by the management of education institutions to manage workplace stress among the teaching faculty.
Keywords: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience and Stress Management.

Pages 410-422
Volume 10
Issue 1
Part 2
File Name Download (1316)
DOI/AUN 10.30543/10-1(2021)-36
