Paper Details
Title Structure of the Public Revenues and Expenditures and their Effect on the Deficit of Jordanian Public Budget

This study aimed to identify the effect of public revenues and expenditures structure on the Jordanian budget deficit and the effects of budget deficit on the internal and external debts since 2006 through 2014. The data annually published on the Jordanian public budget and publications of Jordanian Studies & Economics Policies Directorate will be used, financial ratios were calculated using the (Excel software program) and simple and multiple regression analysis used to test the hypotheses of the study. The conclusions of this study were: the tax revenue's effect Jordanian public budget deficit is larger than non-tax revenues, also the current expenditures effect public budget deficit is larger than capital expenditures, and the Jordanian public budget deficit effects the internal debts and external debts, the researcher emphasized on his recommendation to policy making increasing the effective employment of external and internal loans in investment rather than consumption projects for purpose of raising the level of gross domestic product GDP, as doing so assists the best exploitation of the hidden resources strengths which reflect on increasing the direct and indirect public resources with an effect of reducing the deficit level in the public budget. Key Words: Public Revenues, Public Expenditures, İnternal Debts, External Debts, Public Budget.

Pages 951-960
Volume 5
Issue 3
Part 2
File Name Download (2544)
